Treatment Fundamentals With Invisalign Braces to Help You Recover
Misalignment, crowding and crookedness are some of the common problems affecting people's teeth today. When you suffer any of these conditions, the problem goes beyond the looks on your teeth. It can affect how you feel about them, making you feel uncomfortable when you smile or eat in front of other people. Thanks to technological advancement, you can deal with the problem by using Invisalign braces over traditional braces. In this piece, you will learn about the treatment fundamentals for misaligned teeth:
Open Bite
An open bite is a common misalignment problem where the front (anterior) lower and upper teeth slant forward. The teeth do not touch each other when you close your mouth. Generally, an open bite results from sucking the thumb or pacifier, skeletal problems or thrusting one's tongue into the teeth at a young age. Your dentists use aligners to address the anterior open bite. They intrude the rear teeth to make the mandible rotate. The dentist can also use aligners for extrusion of the rear. Lastly, the practitioner can combine both methods to deal with severe open bite cases.
Deep Bites
A deep bite, also called a closed bite, occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth significantly when you close your mouth. Deep bites can cause a lot of discomfort and impair the proper functioning of your teeth. At the same time, it is not easy to treat these conditions using regular aligners. You need aligners with special attachments on the pre-molar teeth for proper anchorage. The aligners will apply pressure on the incisors to start the corrective procedure.
Note that failing to realign teeth with deep bites will result in high wear and tear rate on your front teeth. Subsequently, the damage will extend to the gum tissues closest to the affected teeth, putting you at a high risk of infection or advanced dental procedures.
Space Closure
If the spaces between your teeth are wide, abnormal and irregular, aligners can come in handy. Primarily, aligner designs allow them to perform pure translation to cause parallel development of the root structure. When using them for space closure, the dentists must combine aligners with auxiliaries and fixed appliances. These auxiliary tools alter the application of force to do away with emphasizing anchorage and facilitate gap closure.
Alignment of irregular teeth must be done by a qualified practitioner. Talk to a dentist or orthodontist to learn more.