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Two Ways to Keep Your Teeth as White as Possible

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Bright white teeth are generally considered to be a sign of good health and attractiveness. Here are two ways that you can keep yours as white as possible. Avoid consuming tannin-rich drinks Red wine, coffee and black tea all contain substances known as ‘tannins’. Tannins can stain the enamel of the teeth and in doing so, can make them look very yellow (or in severe cases, brown). If you want bright white teeth, these drinks should be avoided entirely.…

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How You Can Manage Pain Caused by an Abscessed Tooth

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A dental emergency is basically any dental issue that requires immediate dental attention. Dentists that provide emergency dental treatment operate 247 all year round because dental emergencies can occur at any hour of the day. If you find yourself experiencing severe tooth pain resulting from an abscessed tooth, you will need to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible. But until it is time to see the dentist, here are a number of things you can do to relieve a painful abscessed tooth.…

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Children's Dentistry: Common Conditions to Be Wary Of

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Since children are not adept at taking thorough care of their teeth, they are more susceptible to dental problems. Try as you might as a parent to instil good oral care habits, you will find that some of these conditions are simply unavoidable. Luckily, being aware of the various conditions that your child may be susceptible to developing makes it easier for you to try to prevent them from starting in the first place.…

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5 Types of People Who Can't Afford to Miss Dental Checkups

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Dentists advise everyone to have a checkup twice a year to ensure their teeth and gums stay healthy, but many people don’t stick to this schedule. For certain groups of people, avoiding dental checkups could have serious consequences. If you fall into one of these categories, you must make dental checkups a priority in your life. 1. Pregnant Women When you’re expecting a new baby, it’s easy to forget about your dental health.…

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Tooth Extraction: What To Expect

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For many people, the prospect of having a tooth taken out is an alarming one. The vision of a maniacal dentist leaning over you brandishing a huge pair of pliers is enough to send even the bravest patient running for the surgery exit. But is having a tooth extracted really that terrifying a proposition? Read on to find out why tooth extraction is no more frightening than a regular dental check-up.…

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Wisdom Teeth And Dental Health.

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Wisdom teeth are the last four teeth to erupt in the mouth. Sometimes referred to as the third molars, wisdom teeth are positioned at the back of both the upper and lower jaw, on the right and left side. Wisdom teeth begin forming in the jaw at around seven years of age, unlike other teeth that form in the jaw just before birth. Generally speaking, wisdom teeth appear when a person reaches late teens to early twenties, but this can differ greatly between individuals, and sometimes a wisdom tooth will only partially erupt or not at all.…

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Dental Implants and Braces: A 6 Step Plan to Restoring Your Smile to its Former Glory

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If your smile is plagued by both crooked and decaying teeth, and you wish to implement dental implants with braces to fix the problem, your best course of action is to first straighten your teeth with braces before having any dental implants placed. This is because once placed, dental implants cannot be moved, and so they may interfere with the teeth straightening process should you have more than one implant.…

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It's about time for another trip to the dentist

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Many people don’t like going to the dentist. They consider it inconvenient, unnecessary, or just too plain awkward and uncomfortable having a total stranger dig around inside your mouth with cold and scary-looking instruments. Some people even develop phobias as a result. However, regular visits to the dentist can have many benefits that ultimately make braving the chair more worth it than you think. Here’s why you should see your friendly neighbourhood dental office at least once every six months.…

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Five Reasons Why You Should Be Smiling

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People spend an enormous amount of time and an even greater amount of money these days worrying about their overall health. They spend an inordinate amount of time in the gym, try a variety of new dietary approaches, and have frequent visits to the doctor. Yet there is one component that they are missing – their smile. Don’t overlook good dental hygiene and regular dental appointments as smiling has been proven to be one of the best ways to boost your mood, your health and well-being – and it’s also free!…

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Why You Have A Lot at Stake If You Don't Look after Your Teeth

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The human body has millions of bacteria, both good and bad, as part of a complex ecosystem required for it to function properly. These different types of bacteria have to be kept in a delicate balance, or health issues can arise. Nowhere is this more apparent than within your mouth. What can happen if you do not exercise proper oral hygiene? Analysing the Risks If the body’s natural defences are in order and you practise good oral health care on a daily basis, then you shouldn’t have too much to worry about.…

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